Q & A

As Certified Partners of DigitalMarketer, one of the world’s largest marketing training and research centres, we’re part of an international network of agency owners who share what’s working now in every aspect of digital marketing on a daily basis.

As our client, you’ll benefit from this partnership because, in addition to bringing 15+ years of marketing expertise to the table, we’ll also bring the strategies, tools, insights and digital marketing solutions of the world’s most respected and successful marketers. Pretty cool, eh?

Oh and we’ve already helped over 10,000 business double in size with our proven patented Customer Value Journey system.

Marketing isn’t all about splashing the cash. It’s all about finding the right marketing mix for you and your business. We’ve tiered our workshops so that businesses with all types of budget can learn and understand how they can improve their marketing and increase their business.

If you think you need help after taking the workshops, we can help with that too but let’s get the basics out the way first. Our approach is always customer focused and making sure you get value from our services.

The worse thing any business can do, especially in difficult economic times, is to stop marketing. In fact, very few businesses can afford to do this unless they have a service, product, or brand which nobody can live without. Marketing is more than just selling.

It’s about maintaining relationships, promoting new partnerships and engaging people with the brand. You can’t just stop communicating with your customer’s – they want to know you’re still there for them.

Social media can be great fun and a useful tool if used correctly. Every business has different needs and using social media may or may not be one of them. There are a lot of factors which come into play. Typically, the use of social media in business comes down to resource.

Whether you’re a sole trader or a multinational corporation, you need to assess if you have the resource available to use social media. Not just financially (using social media can often be free) but more importantly human resource. Social media used as part of a wider integrated plan can work but it is something which needs to be discussed when looking at the overall plan and objectives.

If it is right for you or it is something that you are determined to do, we can support you and formulate a schedule, plus content to get started in social media.